No Prep Test Session
This is for a No prep test session Gates will open at 4 pm testing is planeed for 6 pm unilt aprox 10 pm price for testing is $40 […]
1823 E 160th Street South , Geuda Springs, KS, | (719) 248-4354
This is for a No prep test session Gates will open at 4 pm testing is planeed for 6 pm unilt aprox 10 pm price for testing is $40 […]
GENERAL RULES: * Racing Straight Off The Trailer!!! * 1 Burnout, Tire Crack is a Jump, First is Worst, Cross Is A Loss, and Pour Your Own Puddle. * Tech […]
Spectators 18 and older $10 kids 17 and under are free testing is $35 and pour your own puddle Gates open at 530 pm testing starts at 7 pm end […]
GENERAL RULES: * Racing Straight Off The Trailer!!! * 1 Burnout, Tire Crack is a Jump, First is Worst, Cross Is A Loss, and Pour Your Own Puddle. * Tech […]
Pour your own puddle Tech cards $35 (all cars need per day and per class) General admission $15 a person per day , kids 17 and under free with paying […]
Pour your own puddle Tech cards $35 (per car for each entry ) General admission $15 a person per day , kids 17 and under free with paying adult. Gates […]