Luck of the Irish No Prep

Luck of the Irish No Prep

Pour your own puddle Tech cards $35 (per car  for each entry ) General admission $15 a person per day , kids 17 and under free with paying adult.  Gates open 11am , track hot 1pm! Click Here for Flyer *Index classes 5.80 ,$250 added to pot . $60 buy in , 6.50 , $250 added to pot. $50 buy in , 7.50 $250 added to pot , $50 buy in *truestreet $500 added to pot ! $150 buy in 100% payback *Current tags and insurance *5-35 mile cruise *28x10.5 or 275 radial *Must be all glass no lexan *Must…
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Test n Tune

Test n Tune

Test n Tune Gates open at  5 pm testing starts at 7 pm ending time depends on car count Street tires will be asked to start outside the groove Tech card and driver $40 Spectators  ages 18 and older $10 ( Fridays only )   kids 17 and under are free
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Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series Points race #11

Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series Points race #11

Attention Details for this event have changed please read carefully Gates open at 2:30 pm  Saturday One  time trial only on Saturday at 5 pm One Time trial Sunday 9 am Spectators/ crew ages 18 and older $15 per day Kids 17 and under are free Click Here For Full  Entry and Payout Flyer (more…)
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Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series Points race #9

Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series Points race #9

Please read details as some changes have been made Due to expected heat only 1 time trial will be given on Saturday July 13 Gates will open at 2:30 pm 1 time trial at 5 pm Spectators/ crew ages 18 and older $15 per day Kids 17 and under are free Click Here For Full  Entry and Payout Flyer (more…)
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