• Kids 17 and under are free with a paid adult
  • Spectators ages 18 and older are $15 for general admission . Special event price may be different .Please check the specific event information for specifics.
  • NO ATM onsite
  • Cash is King and preferred  , debit cards accepted , credit cards do not receive the cash price
  • All animals must be on a leash and be friendly
  • No outside coolers or alcohol
  • Children 16 and under are not allowed in the staging lanes or in a restricted area such as the burnout box and starting line
  • Event start times can be found inside the information of each specific event
  • End times are not pre- determined and are dependent on how many cars are onsite for the event .
  • Phone calls can not always be answered during events but will be answered if possible .


NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM SUCH ALTERATION OF SPECIFICATIONS. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials. Their decision is final.

Drag racing is a dangerous sport that can result in serious injury or death. Participation in all aspects

of the sport is voluntary. The ultimate responsibility for participant and vehicle lies with the

participant, vehicle owner, driver and crew members.

General Rules

Accutime Cross Talk Tree (CCT)

If you DO NOT wish to have the tree Cross Talk to your lane when you are the quicker vehicle, place an “N”  with a circle around it behind your DIAL-IN to deactivate. We will honor a no cross talk request when the car requesting is faster than their opponent .

No reruns, as the final responsibility is that of the racer to  make sure that the stager knows you have an N for no cross talk . CCT applies only to ET Motorcycle and Super Pro  

Breakage Policy

During a competition event If you break before the first round please see track managers for instructions.  If it is a test n tune night please speak with the general manager to see if you qualify for a credit.  

Break Rule

There is no break rule for eliminations. If you win a round and cannot return for the next, you will receive money, if any,as if you appeared in the next round and lost. The racer eliminated by the racer who broke is still eliminated


Unless otherwise listed on the race specific flyer The 1st round losers may buy back into competition. Any class with less than 6 entries will not have buybacks unless flyer explicitly allows.  Jr Dragsters are the exception the this rule .

Any participant that makes a pass (accepts the tree) without having purchased the buyback run, will be disqualified immediately from the event and possibly  have 25 points deducted from season points totals if applicable.

During the 2nd round of competition buybacks will race buybacks and winners will race winners. Exception will be if there is an odd number of buybacks ; Then the last buyback will race the first winner as directed by a Mid America Employee

Buybacks will be in specific lanes to themselves and winners to their own specific lanes.Please listen for the call .

Deep Staging

Deep Staging is allowed with the courtesy word “DEEP” written on the vehicle window so that the competition and the starter can see it.

 It is the responsibility of the driver to get in deep without holding up the other competitors.

 Deep Stage car will have two bulbs on as courtesy . Then after the other driver lights his top bulb the deep stage car may move forward to unlight his top bulb to complete the deep stage process. Once the deep stage car has his top bulb unlit and the other car has both bulbs lit the staging process will be considered complete,

If you need clarification or have question about deep staging please call Gary Harper 719-248-4249


  • Dial-in must be located on the passenger side of the windshield and passenger side window. This includes digital dial in boards. At Least one digital dial in board must be visible on “passenger” side window.
  • Digital Dial in boards must be turned on before leaving  staging lanes and can not be turned off until after you have staged . If you are caught changing your dial in between the staging lanes and burnout box you will be disqualified.
  • Your dial-in can be changed after each round.
  • Do not stage your vehicle until you check the dial-in boxes and scoreboard for your correct dial-in.
  • If you stage on an incorrect dial-in or Cross Talk, you accept the error, and the race will not be re-run. By staging, you indicate your dial-in is correct and backing out after both vehicles are staged is not allowed.
  • Dial-in boxes are located between the burnout box and starting line. They must  be viewed to ensure your dial-in is correct before approaching the starting line.
  • Once a pair of cars cross the staging lane ready line going to the burnout box, they can NO longer change the dial-in on their vehicle, unless the normal flow of racing is halted for more than 5 minutes due to rain, track clean up or an incident. The track manager/race director will communicate with the affected competitors that their dial-in may be changed.
  • Dial ins and lanes must be kept in the event of a rerun unless race director allows a change .
  • Competitors may be subject to disqualification if dial-in changes are made without permission. 


Any car running 6.40 or quicker in the ⅛ mile, or 10.00 or quicker in the ¼ mile must be equipped with an engine diaper.


Disqualifications are made on the first or worse basis. Example: Crossing the center line is considered worse than a red light. Since we cannot possibly cover all situations that may arise during eliminations, it is the Race Directors/Track Managers responsibility to make a judgment on disputed calls. If it is necessary to settle a dispute, the race director will speak with the drivers only. NOT the crews, wives and/or husbands.

Double Entry

  • Double entries in the same category are not allowed during WDRA  Summit Sportsman Drag  Racing Series points races.
  • Double entry is allowed during the WDRA Summit Drag Racing Series race  if you enter two different categories.
  • Double Entries are allowed in non-points race events if you enter two different categories .
  • Please communicate to staging that you are double entered.It is your responsibility to be prepared for a short turn around time . 

Drinking by Driver

  • Any driver observed by track officials to be consuming any amount of alcohol while still in competition will be disqualified from the event and BANNED PERMANENTLY.


  • Go to your assigned lanes when called by the P.A. System.
  • Only winners or buybacks return when called.
  • We try to run eliminations on a “round-robin” basis after the third round, which means winning racers must return immediately to the  lanes when called to be laddered or directly to staging for the next round of competition. 

Elimination Round – Bye Criteria

  • First round elimination bye is determined by the Racemaster randomly choosing a chip, dice, cards or by using the best reaction time from 2nd time trial  when 2 are offered.
  • Racers will be eligible for only one bye in a race. If all remaining racers have received a bye, the criteria to select the next bye will be the best reaction time in the previous round of eliminations.
  • Exception to the bye rule is a laddered race where a racer may have received a bye in a previous round and the ladder has determined an additional bye.The additional bye will be honored on the ladder. 

Glass Bottles

ABSOLUTELY NO GLASS BOTTLES ALLOWED ON MID AMERICA DRAGWAY PROPERTY! Having A glass bottle on property is grounds to be asked to leave whether you are a racer or spectator.


  • All ladders will be sportsman ladders unless otherwise indicated on the flyer. Please also see rules for Bye run

Lane Choice 

  • During Time Trials and Eliminations (before laddered rounds). No one is guaranteed lane choice.
  • Odd numbered lanes 1, 3, 5 are left lane
  • Even numbered lanes 2, 4, 6 will be right lane.
  • When called to the lanes we will fill lanes 1 and 2 first. When filled, we will cone them off and fill lanes 3 and 4, then moving to lanes 5 and 6.
  • Once we start pulling cars, if we get to the end of lanes 1 and 2 and there are cars left in a single lane, we will pull out of the next set of lanes to create pairs.
    • For example 2 cars are left in lane 1, staging will pull from lane 4 to create pairs. This also applies to finishing pairing for lanes 3 and 4. When pulling lanes 5 and 6, these two lanes will be pulled until there are no longer any pairs.
  • At that time, if there are cars left in a single lane the first car gets lane choice which we will assume the choice  coincides with the lane number chosen.( left lane is odd number , right lane is even number)

A ladder will be created at the round of 8 cars and will be determined by reaction time. This ladder will be followed until the completion of the event. Lane choice will go to the better reaction time from previous round .


All classes unless advertised differently will have random pairings in the first round
Track manager/race director reserves the right to use a deck of cards, poker chips, dice or other means to set pairings in any round.
When pulling into the staging lanes you were called to and you have committed to a lane ,do not change lanes unless directed by a Mid America Dragway Employee. Jumping lanes is prohibited.
All classes will be laddered starting when there are 8 cars or less except jr dragsters. Ladder will be based off reaction time from the previous round . Each round the racer with best reaction time from the previous round will have lane choice . Ladder pairings will be followed until complete.
Jr Dragsters pairings will be by chip draw for 1st and 2nd round . After the buyback round a ladder will be set based off reaction time of round 2. The ladder will then be followed until the race is complete.  Once the ladder is set , lane choice will belong to the racer with the best reaction time from the previous round.Laddered pairings will be followed until complete.


Animals must be kept on a leash at all times and in the owner’s pit area.Leashes should not  exceed 6 feet in length

Rain Policy Competitors

Friday Events/ Weekend Test & Tune:

If event is more than half complete the event will be considered complete and no refunds will be given . 

If the event is less than half complete a pro rated tech credit will be given 

Weekend Events:

If rain or other occurrence halts racing ANY time before the completion of the first round of eliminations for your class, racers will receive 100% credit of entry fee and there will be no payout. This race may or may not be rescheduled.

If a rainout occurs after the first round has been completed then the race will be considered complete. Payout will be based on the last completed round per class . 

Specialty Events

If over 50% of the day’s activities are completed, the event will be considered completed and no credit will be given. If rain or other occurrence happens the race may or may not  be rescheduled for completion.  

Reserved Pit Spots

All numbered parking spots will be rented. If you are parked in a numbered parking spot that doesn’t belong to you, you

will be asked to move. These spots will also be identified by cones with the same corresponding numbers.


The general manager will decide if a re-run will happen.

 Refusal of the re-run is a forfeit. 

Restricted Area

No spectators under the age of 16 are allowed in the following areas:

  • Area past the head of staging lanes
  • Burnout and adjacent areas
  • Dragstrip and shutdown area
  • Trackside areas between the retaining walls and primary spectator fencing


Smoking is not permitted near the starting line or in bleacher seating.

Starters Authority 

The official starter has the final starting line control of each race as it is being conducted.

 After proper staging and receiving the starter signal to go, it is not allowable to restage .

 Failure to stage upon the starters instructions is grounds for disqualification.

 Any driver leaving the starting line before the start system is activated, or is instructed by the official starter will have his/her time voided from the run. 

If both vehicles leave the starting line before the system is activated, then both vehicles will be disqualified.

 A racer will have 10 seconds to pre-stage after the opponent has pre-staged, if not, it is grounds for disqualification at the discretion of the starter. Jr Dragsters

Tech Card/ Entry Fee 

Please see specific flyer on website or on the event page for Mid America Dragway  for specifics per event.

Tech Inspection

Tech cards MUST be filled out completely and signed . Must be legible.

After filling out the tech car please come to the tech inspection area 

Time Trials

Time Trials are at the discretion of the track . If for any reason a time trial must be canceled it will apply to all classes for that event.

Racer is responsible to present (if required) run card/punch card at the back of staging prior to each time trial. 

Each class and group will receive a minimum of one time trial each day of competition unless otherwise listed for the specific event 

Time period for time trials will be communicated on race day by the race director/announcer with considerations for weather or incidents, etc.

Trophies / Payout

Trophies will be handed out in  the Tower or winners circle.

 Every intention will be made to present payout checks immediately after the event is completed. ( To be announced)

Racers will be required to fill out a W9 before receiving payout. For minors receiving payouts the W9 can be in a parent or guardian’s name . We will send 1099 forms to those winning $600 or more per year. Reporting amounts below $600 is the responsibility of the racer. 


all classes 1/8 mile except 12.00 index which is quarter mile

 Index class rules

6.50 / 7.50 / 12.00 Index
  • Deep staging allowed
  • NO throttle stops
  • NO delay boxes
  • Buybacks 1st round only
  • .500 pro tree
  • NO dragsters 
  • 2 qualifiers
  • ladder starts 3rd round based on closest to the index in 2nd round ( sportsman ladder)
5.80 Index – 1/8 mile
  •  deep staging allowed
  • No throttle stops 
  • NO delay boxes 
  • buybacks 1st round only /
  • .400 pro tree /
  • no dragsters
  • 2 qualifiers
  • ladder starts 3rds round based off 2nd round closest to the index ( sportsman ladder)
4.70 Index brought to you by Stahl – Baker  Please contact Bobby Stahl 316-992-0735 or Steve Baker 316-7611502 for full details about the 4.70 class

Outlaw Big Tire by Sandlian Iron & Metal Auto Salvage

  • Door cars , funny cars , Altereds, Pro mods  allowed
  • Any size tire
  • No dragsters
  • .400 pro tree
  • 1/8 mile

Small  Tire

  • 28 x 10.5 Non W
  • 275 Max
  • Engine Diaper required
  • No dragsters
  • 1/8 mile
  • .400 pro tree
  • laddered pairs
  • GENERAL – All classes will compete on the 1/8 mile. Down track
    electronic rpm limiting devices, throttle stops, non-OEM computers and
    GPS or track position sensing devices or sensors are prohibited.

BOX- (0-9.00) 1/8 mile

  •  Starting line enhancers, delay boxes, transmission brakes,two-steps, nitrous and playback tachometers are permitted.
  • Motorcycles/sleds permitted in the class if  equipped with a delay box.


  • All classes will compete on the 1/8 mile.
  • Down track electronic rpm limiting devices, throttle stops, non-OEM computers and GPS or track position sensing devices or sensors are prohibited.

NO BOX- All Run

  •  Delay boxes prohibited and must be removed from vehicle.
  • Starting line enhancers are prohibited.
  • Nitrous, two steps, transbrakes and automated shifters permitted.
  • EV permitted.


  • All classes will compete on the 1/8 mile.
  • Down track electronic rpm limiting devices, throttle stops, non-OEM computers and GPS or track position sensing devices or sensors are prohibited.

SPORTSMAN- (Door Cars Only, 7.40 and slower):

  • Slicks and headers are allowed.
  • Line locks are permitted if used only for the burnout process.
  • OEM automated shifters are allowed.
  • Delay boxes prohibited and must be removed from vehicle
  • Vehicles may not use starting line enhancers,
    transmission brakes, buttons on the steering wheel, two steps or nitrous oxide.
  • Two steps permitted for manual transmissions only
  •  Pneumatics,electronics, hydraulics or any other device may not affect the throttle
    operation in any way.
  • Fixed, mechanical stop on carburetor linkage or
    throttle pedal is permitted.
  • EV permitted.



Rule Amended 1/13/2024 due to an error From Gari Harper

Motorcycle / sleds  all run class

  • Delay boxes prohibited
  • Two step and nitrous permitted
  • Stand alone ECU’s must be using the sportsman / no box software

*Box Bikes are permitted to run with the box class ( super pro / top bulb )


  • All classes will compete on the 1/8 mile.
  • Down track electronic rpm limiting devices, throttle stops, non-OEM computers and GPS or track position sensing devices or sensors are prohibited.



  • Birth certificate for age verification required for licensing. Teens
    may hold a WDRA Teen Racing license until the end of the season that they receive a full state or provincial driver’s license.
  • An adult with a valid state or provincial license who is the teens legal guardian or over 25 years old must serve as a co-driver.
  • Theco-driver must be in the passenger seat of the vehicle while the teen is driving.
  • Co-driver must drive the vehicle at all times other than when the car is at the head of staging and on the track. At that time, the driver may get in the drivers seat.
  • After making a pass, the driver must stop on the return road and let the co-driver drive it back to the pit space.
  • Required.
  • Short pants, tank tops, flannel or nylon pants are not allowed.
  • Convertibles and Electric Vehicles are prohibited.
  • Vehicle must be licensed and insured with mufflers and street tires. A copy of the registration and insurance must be on file with Mid America Dragway along with the racers WDRA License
  • Purpose built race cars are not permitted.
  • Vehicle may not have wheel tubs or have been back-halved.
  • Aftermarket EFI systems prohibited.
  • OEM fuel injection allowed if the year, make and model of the vehicle came with it from the
  • The use of electronics is prohibited.

About the class :

  • Teens from 13 to 17 can learn the basics of drag racing and compete
    against other drivers of their age and skill level in a controlled and
    supervised environment without the need to spend any money on
    purpose built drag racing vehicles.
  • An adult “co-driver” rides in the passenger seat during runs to supervise the driver. Teen Racing can use the family’s daily driver as the competition vehicle so no additional expense is required.
  • All races are limited to 1/8 mile and elapsed times are restricted to 9.00 seconds and slower as Teen Racing is about learning the sport enjoying the experience.
  • Junior dragster is the only other class that licensed Teen Racing drivers may compete in.
  • Teen Racing drivers must join WDRA and complete the license application through their local facility.
  • Teen racing participants are eligible to join the Mid America track Championship / Sportsman Drag racing Series  and earn points towards a track championship as well as have an opportunity to earn a spot on the ET Finals Bracket team
  • Teen racing is not eligible  for World Finals
  • Once the licensing paperwork is complete and the applicant is issued a WDRA Teen Racing license, the driver will receive a WDRA Rule Book and excess medical coverage comparable to standard licenses.


  • All classes will compete on the 1/8 mile.
  • All WDRA Rules apply
  • Down track electronic rpm limiting devices, throttle stops, non-OEM computers and GPS or track position sensing devices or sensors are prohibited.

Please Click here to read about the 2 jr dragster classes offered at Mid America Dragway


Mid America Dragway Track Championship Program

Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series 

  • This opportunity is only offered to racers who hold a WDRA license / membership and join the Mid America Dragway Track Championship Program.
  • You must have your WDRA Sportsman Drag Racing Series ( SSDRS) License before your  first points race in order to be eligible for World Finals .
  •   Points will be awarded during WDRA Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series  races only.
  •  There are  10 races for all classes except No Box Motorcycle are offered in 2025.
  •  All classes except No Box Motorcycle will keep their best 8 races of the 10 offered. 
  • No Box  Motorcycle has 6 races offered and will keep their best 5 . 
  • The Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series/ Track Championship program  for Mid America Dragway includes Box , No Box  , Sportsman ,No box Motorcycle , Teen Racing, and Jr dragsters  .
  •  These classes will be contested in accordance with the WDRA Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series World championship rules.  .
  • Points will not be calculated until you have paid and turned in a registration form  
  • All WDRA Rules apply in addition to any specific rules listed here for the Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series  for Mid America Dragway. 

  • No buybacks for any class with 6 cars or less. Except Jr dragster
  • Payout will be reduced to Winner and R/U only if there is 8 cars or less in the class.
  • Class must have 3 cars or more to be contested . Except Teen racing and jr dragster

 Dates are : April  13&14 , April 27 &28 , June 1&2 , June 22&23 , July 13&14, July 27&28

Bracket Finals Eligibility

  •  To be eligible for WDRA ET Bracket finals and for the WDRA World Championship  you must join the points program 
  • You must have a  WDRA  license .Warning anyone who does not have a WDRA Sportsman Drag Racing Series License ( SSDRS) before your first points race Will NOT be eligible to go to World Finals 
  • You must participate in a minimun of 4 points races or 50% of the points races offered for your class. 
  • Team size is being determined and more info will be released soon.
  • Jr Dragster Minors are not eligible for ET Finals or World Finals . If you wish to be eligible for these programs you must race in the Jr Dragster Majors class . Racing in this class is allowed but your points can only be for one class or the other.

Registration Fee 

  • Box class                       Entry $100 
  • No Box Class                Entry $80
  • No box Motorcycle       Entry $60
  • Sportsman                     Entry $50 
  • Jr’s  Major                    Entry $40
  • Jrs Minor                      Entry $25
  • Teen racing                    Entry $20

Points will be awarded as follows ;

  • Each round win starting with 1st round  = 5 points 
  • Winner of the class will receive  5 bonus points 
  • R/U of the class will  3  bonus points 
  • If you lose the first round , buyback and win round 2 nd round,then starting with round 2  you will receive 5  points per round . 

 Benefits of becoming a Mid America Dragway Registered Points Racer 

  • Earn points towards Mid America Dragway Track Championship.Points are awarded to registered racers only for the Summit Sportsman Drag Racing Series  races.
  • Opportunity as track champion to represent Mid America Dragway at the Summit Sportsman World Championship 
  • Opportunity  to earn a spot on the Mid America Dragway WDRA  E.T. Bracket finals team.
  • End of the year Awards & Prizes
  • The WDRA Rules for ET bracket finals team roster will be followed . 

Awards as Follows :

Jr Dragster Minors 

W- Championship Jacket , Trophy , Gold Card for free entry to all points races in 2026  & $150

R/U – Trophy & $80

3rd place Trophy & $50

Jr Dragster Majors

W- Free Entry to World Finals, Championship Jacket , Trophy , Gold Card for free entry to all points races in 2026  & $300

R/U – Trophy & $150

3rd place Trophy & $75

Teen Racing 

W- Free Entry to World Finals, Championship Jacket , Trophy , Gold Card for free entry to all points races in 2026 &$300

R/U – Trophy & $150

3rd place Trophy &  $75


W- Free Entry to World Finals, Championship Jacket , Trophy , Gold Card for free entry to all points races in 2026 & $500

R/U – Trophy &  $250

3rd place Trophy & $125

No Box Motorcycle 

W- Free Entry to World Finals, Championship Jacket , Trophy , Gold Card for free entry to all points races in 2026 & $500

R/U – Trophy & $250

3rd place Trophy  & $125

No Box

W- Free Entry to World Finals, Championship Jacket , Trophy , Gold Card for free entry to all points races in 2026 & $1000

R/U – Trophy  & $500

3rd place Trophy & $250

Box Class 

W- Free Entry to World Finals, Championship Jacket , Trophy , Gold Card for free entry to all points races in 2026 &$1000

R/U – Trophy & $500

3rd place Trophy & $250


Upcoming Events

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